The March Compassion Day in the North Lake Wire neighborhood was a tremendous success. Record numbers of participants and activities filled the day. There were several projects that rolled into follow up days but gave us the opportunity with follow up visits with the neighbors.

The outreach team brought many new components to the Compassion Day. Walkie Talkie’s gave us the ability to quickly notify everyone of needs at the different worksites. Golf Carts gave us new mobility to respond quickly and safely through out the neighborhood. The large tent gave us shelter not only from the sun but also the threat of impending rain. The Lord gave us a clear day and rain did not affect our event. The Bounce house was a tremendous addition and the children had a great time. Thank you to Emily Cox for her tending to the management of the Bounce house. Wrist bands to control the lunch handout not only made sure everyone got a meal but gave the opportunity to gather vital information to follow up with the residents of the community. Michael Grant brought out his tractor and bush hog which made the clean up so much easier and quicker. We had a team of first aid responders that made sure we stay.

We also had new partners for the event. Paint your heart out Lakeland and Tim Spivey provided the paint so that we could bless two homes with a fresh coat of paint. LVIM, Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine provided basic health checks and wants to expand their participation for the future. Salvation Army provided almost twice as many lunches as that the previous event. What a blessing our partners are!!!!
The Dream Center, the City of Lakeland Employees and Commissioners, The Lakeland Police Department were a continued blessing to our event.

And how about Bay News 9 showing up and giving such great coverage of the day’s activities?!

Thank you to all that showed up to work and minister to the N. Lake Wire neighborhood.

What’s Coming Up?

May 18 we will have a mini N. Lake Wire event, not so big but very vital. Come join us at New Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, 919 N. Ohio Ave. or call Deacon Bob, 863-207-1726, we will start at 9 am and be done by 11:30 am. We want to visit with some of our friends in the neighborhood.

The N. Lake Wire neighborhood association meets Monday, May 20th, 7 pm at the First Baptist Institutional Church, 932 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. If you would like to attend just let me know. Deacon Bob @ 863-207-1726.

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