We realize that healing can, and often does, take place in many different ways—sometimes to our surprise. We also realize that human beings are very fragile. God made us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We sometimes become ill in one or more of these areas. It is our belief that the spiritual health of a person is in direct relation to their ability to heal in the other areas. Above all, one’s relationship to Jesus Christ is vital for the healing of the whole person.

Healing can be found in one or more of seven ways at All Saints’. These seven pathways to healing are: Holy Confession, the Healing Eucharist, Anointing for Healing, Chapel Prayers, Holy Communion at your home, at the hospital, or nursing home, Spiritual Direction, and Counseling. This Customary will explain these pathways to healing.

If you need additional help, support, or explanation, please contact Fr. Reid Hensarling at All Saints’.


God does not desire to punish us for our sins. Jesus Christ has already born those penalties by dying on the cross for us. So, why isn’t it enough to admit our sins in private to God alone?

We need to recognize that all our sins affect both God and our fellow man. Christians are accountable to each other “for we are all members of one body.” (Eph. 4:25 ) Thus, it is proper that humble confession of sins be made to both God and man. It also provides opportunity for us to receive guidance and prayer for our faith.

We need this prayer and guidance so that we do not fall into the dangerous spiritual condition of being self-willed. Such a state is manifested when one lives independent from the community of faith, isolates oneself by thinking that this can be handled personally, and tries to be one’s own spiritual doctor. This state is the mark of a soul that has fallen into pride. The person who humbles himself or herself by giving a full and honest confession, demonstrates sorrow and a sincere desire to live a life free from sin (II Cor. 7:10), will begin to travel the path to recovery.

The sacrament of Holy Confession is available at All Saints’ by making an appointment with Fr. Reid Hensarling at 688-4502.

Prepare for your confession by taking time for reflection and self-examination. Ask the Lord to bring to mind the sin or sins that burden you and grieve Him. You may wish to write down notes for yourself, to help focus your thoughts.



All Saints’ offers a weekly Holy Eucharist in the main sanctuary each Wednesday at 12:10 p.m. Time is given to prayer, intercession, and sharing, with a particular emphasis on healing.

The lessons and teaching are taken from the accounts of miracles and healings in the Bible. When you are in need of continuing and repeated healing support, we encourage you to come to this healing service.



Among the gifts of healing Christ has provided for the church are people who practice medicine. At All Saints’ Church, we give thanks for health professionals. When we pray for healing, we believe God will send us answers, in part, through them.

Medical cures generally address our outward symptoms. Complete healing goes to the inner depths (emotional, mental, spiritual) of our illnesses. These should first be addressed spiritually, with the merciful power of the Holy Spirit through anointing with Holy Oil and soaking prayer.

All Saints’ takes deliberate steps to make anointing available to all people at all of our worship services. When you attend a worship service, please go to the altar and make your desire for healing known to one of the clergy. A priest or deacon will pray for you and anoint you.

Although it is not necessary, it is preferable that you receive Holy Communion before being anointed. In that case, please make your need known when you receive the bread, the Body of Christ.



The International Order of St. Luke the Physician is a fellowship that believes healing is an essential part of the teaching of Christ. Our local chapter (the Doulos Chapter) was formed at All Saints’ in 2003 to support the parish healing ministry.

Trained members of the Order of St. Luke team can pray with you for your special needs and anoint you at the altar rail in St. Mary’s Chapel. Go to the Chapel after receiving Holy Communion at the services on Sunday at 8:50 a.m. and 10:50 a.m.

OSL team members are also available to pray for you during the week in the church or in your home. For information on making a prayer appointment, please contact the clergy team.



All Saints’ has a team of Lay Eucharistic Visitors who carry Holy Communion to those unable to attend the Sunday morning worship services. If you or someone you know needs this ministry, please contact our clergy team. We will then add you to our visitation schedule.



Another way to find healing is through spiritual direction. Many times in our life we need someone we can trust who can offer us insights into a stronger and more vital spiritual life. All Saints’ offers this ministry through its clergy. One of the principle ministries of a priest and deacon is to be a Christian who walks side by side with you, as you seek to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life. The process is seen in the way Jesus taught His disciples. Other Christian believers, like Paul with Timothy, also demonstrated the principles of offering guidance and prayer for others to grow strong in Christ.

Fr. Reid Hensarling offers the ministry of spiritual direction to those seeking a closer walk with the Lord. A visit can be arranged to fit into your obligations. Please contact the church office at 688-4502 and ask to speak with him.  



There are times in our lives when we need the services of a good professional Christian counselor. We can direct you to several good counselors. If they cannot help you, they have a good referral system where you can find answers to your needs.

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